Bariatric surgery and endoscopy are medical procedures that offer significant benefits to individuals seeking to address various health concerns. Bariatric surgery, often performed on individuals with obesity, can lead to substantial weight loss, reducing the risk of obesity-related health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and sleep apnea. Additionally, it can enhance the quality of life by improving mobility and overall well-being.
Endoscopy, on the other hand, is a minimally invasive procedure used to diagnose and treat various gastrointestinal issues. It offers the advantage of pinpointing the exact cause of digestive problems, allowing for targeted treatment. Furthermore, endoscopy is associated with shorter recovery times, reduced discomfort, and fewer complications compared to traditional surgical methods. Both bariatric surgery and endoscopy play crucial roles in improving patients’ health, offering them a path to a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Bariatric Endoscopy
Our Bariatric Endoscopy Programme is focused on addressing the needs of patients who do not meet the criteria for weight loss surgery or who prefer to avoid surgical interventions. Additionally, we cater to individuals who have experienced weight regain following previous weight loss surgery. Our programmes provide weight loss solutions that leverage innovative weight loss devices, eliminating the need for surgical procedures.
Colonoscopy is a diagnostic procedure employed to thoroughly examine the entire length of the large intestine. This procedure serves the crucial purpose of identifying various issues within the colon, including early indications of cancer, inflamed tissue, ulcers, haemorrhoids (commonly known as piles), and instances of bleeding. Furthermore, colonoscopy is utilised as a screening tool for colorectal cancer.
The procedure involves the insertion of an endoscope, a lengthy, flexible, illuminated tube (also referred to as a colonoscope), through the rectum and into the colon. Besides providing a visual assessment of the internal colon, the colonoscope allows the physician to carry out actions such as irrigation, suction, air injection, and access to the bowel using surgical instruments. During a colonoscopy, our physician may extract tissue for further examination and potentially address any issues that are detected.
Endoscope Intragastric Balloon
The gastric balloon procedure, also referred to as the endoscopic intragastric balloon, entails the insertion of an inflated silicone balloon into the stomach for a duration of 6 months. This effectively reduces the available space for food intake. As a result, patients experience several beneficial outcomes:
– They find themselves feeling full more quickly during meals, leading to reduced food consumption.
– Over the course of 6 months, they typically achieve a weight loss of approximately 30% of their excess weight.
– This weight loss often leads to improvements in health conditions such as diabetes, joint and bone diseases, as well as heart-related issues.
It is crucial to underscore that losing weight remains a challenging and determined effort. The gastric balloon serves as a valuable tool in the weight loss journey; however, its effectiveness hinges on adhering to a sensible diet and exercise regimen. Our approach to weight loss is collaborative, involving close cooperation with our nutritionist and subsequently, our fitness expert.
Regular group sessions provide a platform for discussing challenges, successes, and any difficulties encountered. Before considering the procedure, a comprehensive medical evaluation is necessary. If emotional issues are identified as contributors to overeating, consultation with a psychologist may be recommended as part of the overall plan for weight management.
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is employed in the diagnosis and treatment of various conditions that can impact the digestive system.
The term “endoscopic” pertains to the utilization of an endoscope, a slender tube equipped with a small video camera, enabling your physician to explore the inner workings of your digestive system. “Retrograde” indicates the injection of a dye to enhance the visibility of your bile and pancreatic ducts during X-Ray imaging. Lastly, “cholangiopancreatography” signifies the process of capturing X-Ray images.
Why might you require an ERCP? If you are experiencing abdominal pain, jaundice, or if abnormalities are detected in blood tests, your doctor may recommend an ERCP. This procedure is employed to diagnose and address obstructions in the bile or pancreatic duct, which may result from:
- Gallstones obstructing the bile duct.
- Tumours exerting pressure on the pancreatic or bile ducts, or constricting them.
- Formation of scars or narrowing of the duct due to another underlying condition.
- Sphincter of Oddi dyskinesia.
Equivalent Weight Loss Benefits Without Surgery or Scarring. A Safer, Lower-Risk Procedure.
At MGBEC, we are among the first clinics in South Africa to offer the new non-surgical alternative, known as the endoscopic sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG). The ESG procedure is less invasive, leading to faster recovery times. Available studies demonstrate significant weight loss, which is broadly comparable to that achieved with gastric banding.
Gastroscopy is utilised to diagnose stomach pain, heartburn, and indigestion. This examination is sometimes referred to as an OGD, denoting the three areas under scrutiny:
– Oesophagus (food pipe)
– Gastric (stomach)
– Duodenum (the initial part of the bowel)
The procedure is conducted in a private setting, within our dedicated endoscopy facilities. An experienced nurse will be present with you at all times. You will be positioned on your left-hand side, and a small probe will be affixed to your finger, displaying your pulse rate and body oxygen levels on a screen throughout the examination.
New incisionless weight loss procedures, conducted via the patient’s mouth, present less invasive and rehabilitative alternatives in the realm of bariatric procedures. Incisionless weight loss procedures can offer significant benefits compared to open and laparoscopic surgeries, including a decreased risk of infection, diminished post-operative discomfort, swifter recovery periods, and no discernible scars.
These incisionless weight loss procedures are performed under anaesthesia, entirely through the patient’s mouth, without any external incisions made into the body. Apart from the absence of visible scars, these techniques often yield fewer complications, reduced trauma, and shorter recovery times.
Our dietitians collaborate with you and your doctor to formulate a tailored nutrition plan tailored to your specific digestive condition.
– Within our outpatient clinic, we provide guidance on what to eat and how to manage your diet at home.
– If you are hospitalized, our nutrition team ensures that you receive appropriate nourishment.
– In cases where you are receiving tube feeding or other assisted feeding methods at home, we provide comprehensive nutrition guidelines.
– Our team of healthcare professionals, including gastroenterologists, pharmacists, registered dietitians, and registered nurses, will oversee and assist you in meeting your nutritional requirements.
Additionally, we offer the PEG procedure, which is an abbreviation for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. This procedure involves the insertion of a flexible feeding tube through the abdominal wall and into the stomach. PEG facilitates the direct delivery of nutrition, fluids, and/or medications into the stomach, bypassing the mouth and esophagus.
Our doctors use stents primarily to unblock the bile ducts, esophagus, small bowel, and colon when these body parts have become obstructed by significant cancerous tissue. The stent placement procedure aims to restore an individual’s natural capacity to process food and drink throughout the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus. This is particularly beneficial for cancer patients who may be experiencing difficulties with swallowing, bowel movements, or overall digestion during their cancer treatment. Stents can be inserted either on a permanent or temporary basis.
A Therapeutic Endoscopy is a procedure performed in the upper gastrointestinal tract using an endoscope.
Transoral Gastric Outlet Reduction (TORE)
Patients who experience weight regain following their initial gastric bypass surgery now have viable options!
We are pleased to introduce the safe and effective endoscopic outlet repair procedure, designed to help you return to your original post-gastric bypass proportions. Our dedicated team of healthcare professionals comprehends the lifestyle adjustments associated with various weight loss surgical procedures. Our program encompasses comprehensive and continuous nutritional, emotional, and lifestyle support.
Transoral gastric outlet reduction stands as a minimally invasive procedure that can assist patients who have regained weight following gastric bypass surgery.
What to Anticipate:
- Consultation with a board-certified surgeon skilled in gastric bypass surgery and endoscopic outlet repair procedures.
- Collaboration with a bariatric nurse specialist who coordinates your ongoing care plan.
- Close partnership with a dietitian experienced in meeting the nutritional requirements of individuals undergoing weight loss surgery.
- Access to psycho-emotional counseling as deemed necessary, either before or after the surgical procedure.
- Participation in intensive education, alongside both individual and group support sessions.